Архив: 13 октября, 2022

About the international scientific and practical conference on: “Inclusive education: children with disabilities and dance art”

State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan


about the international scientific and practical conference on: “Inclusive education: children with disabilities and dance art”

Dear colleagues!

The State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan invites you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Inclusive education: children with disabilities and dance art”, which will be held on November 25, 2022 in accordance with the plan approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 101-F dated March 7, 2022.

The main thematic areas of the conference:

  1. 1. Issues of increasing the social activity of children with disabilities through choreographic education.
  2. The practice of working with children with disabilities in cultural and art institutions.
  3. Choreographic art: problems and solutions.
  4. Questions of personal spirituality in education in the field of culture and art.

For the authors’ information!

Professors and teachers of higher educational institutions of the republic and foreign countries, doctoral students, researchers, young scientists, applicants, undergraduates, as well as specialists in the field of culture and art can take part in the conference.

Official languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian, English.

Requirements for the design of scientific articles:

  • A4 format, «Microsoft Word», font «Times New Roman» (14 pt), spacing — 1.5, margins: left — 3 cm, right — 1.5 cm, top and bottom — 2 cm. The title of the article should be written in capital letters. On the next line, after 1.5 intervals, the full name, place of work, position, academic degree and academic title of the author are indicated.
  • references in the text are made in square brackets, which indicate the serial number and pages of the literature used, the full list of which is placed at the end of the article. (For example: [1, 36-b.]). The list of references should consist of 2-3 titles of books.
  • articles that do not meet the requirements are not allowed to be published and manuscripts are not returned to the author; автор несёт ответственность за научно-теоретическое и методологическое обоснование статьи, за достоверность фактов и сведений, не допускает плагиата;
  • the volume of the article is 5-7 pages. The article must be sent electronically by November 10, 2022 via telegram channels (90) 972-54-44 or (99) 811-26-14. Articles sent after the specified date are not considered and are not published.


Coordinators: Jomonov Ravshan Oripovich — (90) 326-19-27,

Хudoynazarova Shaxzoda Tursunovna — (90) 972-54-44,                 (90) 975-54-44,

To‘ychiyeva Muattar Abduvohidovna — (94) 105-16-46,           Axmedova Risolat Bakhodirovna  — (99) 811-26-14.









        The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of information and facts.